SONAS – Course

From: 120.00

Over the last decades science has looked into how the human brain works in relation to happiness. As it turned out we are much mistaken about what actually makes us happy.

As someone working in tourism I found the last years challenging and after the first shock of loosing something that has been my life for over ten years I started to look at what it is that is important in my life and at what will help me to get through this challenging time.

Since my time at university as a young woman I have an interest in psychology and something that probably can be called ‘life wisdom’. So a friend recommended The Dalai Lama Global Vision Summit in 2020 which offered a variety of talks by expert teachers which lead me to doing a course in the Science of Wellbeing at Yale University with Professor Laurie Santos. The content of this course worked so well for me that I would like to share with you in my own way what I have learned and practiced.

My 7-week-course comprises 6 sessions in which we will discuss the science behind misconceptions around happiness and the effect of that on our life. And we will look at all the things that actually make us happy and practice that during the week between sessions. For our talks we will meet in a sheltered place in inclement weather or out in nature in forests, by the ocean, in good weather; being in nature is one of the things that makes us happy.
After our 6-weeks-rewirement we will celebrate happiness with a special outing on our last session.

I am looking forward to sharing happiness and spreading it all around.

Sonas ort – may you be happy!

The SONAS course is available on demand, please contact us to check for dates and times.

For private group bookings please contact us

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